Monthly Archives: July 2015

3 licence sold for the Pilot Navigation and Docking System

Today, an agreement was signed between MUS Innovation Centre LLC, represented by the CEO Konrad Frontczak and Autocomp Management LTD, represented by the CEO Krzysztof Hladyszewski. The agreement was signed to sell three licences for Autocomp. Autocomp Management LTD can use the Pilot Navigation and Docking System (PNDS) i.a. in the seaports.

Pilot Navigation and Docking System is a device invented by scientific staff of Maritime University of Szczecin. PNDS allows precise determination in real-time distance and the angle of the ship relative to the wharf. It’s important during the last phase of mooring ships to wharf. If the maneuver is incorrect the large mass of tanks or ferries can cause damage to the ship or wharf. Besides, transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is connected with an increased risk of fire or explosion.

PNDS is the most precise device on the market, where the measurement error is always the same. Alternative solutions don’t offer good stability measures.

Autocomp Management LTD will intend to deploy the system in European ports.