Monthly Archives: April 2015

Business to research matchmaking event

The matchmaking event took place in Goleniow. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together the world of business and the world of science. Participants were public universities and entrepreneurs from the area of the Goleniowski Industrial Park.

Discussions focused on the possibility of establishing research and development projects between the Maritime University of Szczecin and different companies. Each meeting last 15 minutes, then participants changed partners and opened discussions again. Brokerage events have many advantages – in a short time we can obtain commercial expectations of many potential partners. It would’t be possible on a ordinary conference.

The organizers plan to arrange next B2R meetings in different cities of the Western Pomerania.

Maritime Risk Analisis Center

On 30th March an agreement was signed between Maritime University of Szczecin, represented by the Rector Prof. DSc. PhD. Eng. Master Mariner Stanisław Gucma and MUS Innovation Centre LLC, represented by the CEO Konrad Frontczak. The agreement was signed on the choice of the business Operator for Centre of Risk Analysis.

MUS Innovation Centre will be responsible for commercial usage of Laboratory capabilities.

The Laboratory consists of seven workstations:

  • Solid Works
  • DNV Phast
  • GoldSim
  • ESRI
  • AIS
  • and analytical software (Statistica, ITEM).

Here will be carried out such research works in sea safety, port’s area and off-shore constructions, as follow:

  1. Research on ship traffic lanes in navigation routes, approaching channel, port channels.
  2. Research on ship traffic streams in navigation routes, approaching channel, port channels – technical-exploitative parameters.
  3. Research on the streams of goods transport , especially of dangerous goods transport in navigation routes.
  4. Research on navigation routes – their gearing to ship traffic streams.
  5. Research on potential effects of vessel collision or a vessel with hydro-technical structure, also an off-shore construction  with underwater pipelines.
  6. Research on potential area of polluted ecosystem as a result of vessel collision.
  7. Determining by simulation methods of the technical domain on ship damage in the effect of collision.
  8. Determining by simulation methods of the technical domain on hydro-technical structure, also an off-shore construction and underwater pipelines.
  9. Optimisation of port’s hydro-technical instruments.
  10. Determining by the human error’s distribution in various occupational class.
  11. Planning of rescue operations and elimination of the breakdown effects.

More info here:

Different kinds of cooperation in technology transfer area

We are pleased to inform that the MUS Innovation Centre signed a letter of intent with West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The idea of cooperation is to inform clients about services provided by both units, assistance in promotion, collaboratoin in the area of events organisation, exchange of key information.

Scan of the letter:

Our other activities:

  • Discussion in the Polish Radio Szczecin about changes in polish law proposed by the President of the Republic of Poland.
  • Finishing negotiations for the sale a license of invention in the area of maritime navigation.
  • Participation in the discussions of the Working Group on the National Smart Specialization (KIS) (Ministry of Economy).
  • The business training programme called Samsung LABO.