3 licence sold for the Pilot Navigation and Docking System

By | July 10, 2015

Today, an agreement was signed between MUS Innovation Centre LLC, represented by the CEO Konrad Frontczak and Autocomp Management LTD, represented by the CEO Krzysztof Hladyszewski. The agreement was signed to sell three licences for Autocomp. Autocomp Management LTD can use the Pilot Navigation and Docking System (PNDS) i.a. in the seaports. Pilot Navigation and Docking System is a device invented by scientific staff of Maritime University of Szczecin. PNDS… Read More »

Business to research matchmaking event

By | April 20, 2015

The matchmaking event took place in Goleniow. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together the world of business and the world of science. Participants were public universities and entrepreneurs from the area of the Goleniowski Industrial Park. Discussions focused on the possibility of establishing research and development projects between the Maritime University of Szczecin and different companies. Each meeting last 15 minutes, then participants changed partners and opened… Read More »

Maritime Risk Analisis Center

By | April 20, 2015

On 30th March an agreement was signed between Maritime University of Szczecin, represented by the Rector Prof. DSc. PhD. Eng. Master Mariner Stanisław Gucma and MUS Innovation Centre LLC, represented by the CEO Konrad Frontczak. The agreement was signed on the choice of the business Operator for Centre of Risk Analysis. MUS Innovation Centre will be responsible for commercial usage of Laboratory capabilities. The Laboratory consists of seven workstations: NASTRAN… Read More »

Different kinds of cooperation in technology transfer area

By | April 20, 2015

We are pleased to inform that the MUS Innovation Centre signed a letter of intent with West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The idea of cooperation is to inform clients about services provided by both units, assistance in promotion, collaboratoin in the area of events organisation, exchange of key information. Scan of the letter: https://innopm.pl/?page_id=230. Our other activities: Discussion in the Polish Radio Szczecin about changes in polish law… Read More »