Monthly Archives: June 2016

We will manage The Fuel Research, Hydraulic Fluids and Environmental Protection Centre

On 23rd March an agreement was signed between Maritime University of Szczecin, represented by the Rector Prof. DSc. PhD. Eng. Master Mariner Stanisław Gucma and MUS Innovation Centre SPV, represented by the CEO Konrad Frontczak. MUS IC will be responsible for commercial services carried out in the Fuel Research, Hydraulic Fluids and Environmental Protection Centre.slide_2

The Laboratory provides services in respect of researching kerosene products, hydraulic fluids and environmental protection based on state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and research methods. In accordance with the current standards we conduct research of lubricating oils – engine and transmission oils, hydraulic oils, naval fuels, water quality and morphology of liquids and dusts.

The Laboratory allows to use its potential for performance of complex study in respect of:

  • Hydraulic oils in any use – full scope of study (physical and chemical properties, quality, purity, usability for further operation);
  • Lubricating oils – full scope of usage study (physical and chemical properties, including lubricity, quality, purity, usability for further operation, variation monitoring);
  • Transformer oils (physical and chemical properties, quality, purity, usability for further operation);
  • Fuels for automatic-ignition engines naval, automobile, traction (analysis of quality, composition, morphology, pollution, dusting quality, physical and chemical properties, operation advisory);
  • Study for natural environment protection;
  • Water pollution with petroleum-derivative substances – gas chromatography;
  • Analysis of exhaust gases in industrial power facilities – full scope.

Based on analysis of study results we give out recommendations and guidelines in respect of operation of devices.

We invite you to use our services! Promotional movie: